
Empowerment sessions are preferable when we have a specific target to achieve ...

Personal development and upgrading coaching programs

Some people - at some stage in their life - realize that even though they live pretty good lives...

Values and Work Protocols

Confidentiality is guaranteed. Any notes taken during the sessions are destroyed in a shredder...

Why do we need empowerment and personal development?

Since the day we are born, we are programed to comply with norms and beliefs formulated by generations before us, based on collective and individual experiences. Some of these “rules” are vital to our existence, e.g. before crossing the road look carefully in both directions. Some are useful, e.g. don't speak while chewing. Others are not applicable, e.g. you must get married before you turn 30.

Every time we are faced with a decision, we are making a choice. Even if the choice is to do nothing, it is still a choice. Our choices gradually become habits and our habits become a way of thinking and operating, a way of living. They become our experiences and our way of existence.

More often than not we operate on “auto-pilot”. Most of our choices are subconscious. We are unaware that we are making them. Without realizing it, we get trapped in a framework of beliefs, limitations and theories that were adopted by other people, under completely different circumstances. They may be blocking our health, success, wealth and happiness.

Personal development and empowerment help us:

Overcome our blocks, destructive habits and fears (public speaking, fear of flying),

Enhance our skills and abilities, inspiration and creativity,

Uncover our talents, upgrade ourselves and redefine our priorities - live a meaningful, peaceful and happy life.

Re-story, Restore, Restart - Leave limiting beliefs behind and move forward

Who is it for?

• The professional: coaching professionals, athletes, artists, creatives who wish to cultivate their talents and abilities, improve their performance and enhance team spirit.

• The youth: coaching teenagers and young people searching for their life path, seeking to enhance their learning abilities and increase their potential for success.

• The seeker: coaching people from all walks of life looking to re-discover themselves, explore their abilities, re-prioritize their values, overcome their blocks and live the best possible version of their lives.